I have many beautiful ribbons available and am just starting to list them. There are also gorgeous lace items, many vintage. And embellishments, charms, etc., suitable for your bears and/or displays. The prices are, like the mohair, reduced to less than half their retail price and the quality of the ribbons purchased from overseas in the 1990’s was superb, some not available now. The ribbons are suitable creative embroidery, embellishments of many kinds, card making, journaling, scrapbooking, incorporating into felting and of course teddy bears. The Toray ribbons are “silk” look yarn of a high quality and very flexible – they are ideal for wee and small teddy bears. The Mokubra ribbons are beautiful organdy ribbons made in Japan and again are very soft. Hannah Silks made their ribbon from silk yardage cut on the cross and dyed in the most exciting range of colours. There are bias joins in the ribbon which cannot be avoided.
(1) 5mm Pink Ribbon – 50c. metre
(2) 5mm Dusty Pink Ribbon – 50c. metre
(3) 3mm Chocolate Brown Ribbon – 40c. metre
(4) 2mm Milk Coffee Silk Ribbon – 40c. metre
(5) 5mm Lilac Silk Ribbon – 50c. metre
(6) Fine god elastic thread – Made in Japan. Great for labels – 10c. metre.
(7) 20mm Pale Pink with Rose edge – made by Hannah Silks in the USA – Price $2.50 metre
(8) Vintage reel of gold thread – I have kept one. Have used for labelling my bears since the 1980’s and the roll is never ending. The price for the roll is $10.00 and I am sure you won’t regret buying it!
(10) 1.5in multi earth colours by Hannah Silks $3,00 metre.(12) 1.5″ wide Grape Mokubra ribbon – $3.00 metre(14) 1.5″ blue/gold organdy ribbon – $2.00 metre
AA. Wee bows – $1.00 packet.CC. Small buttons – $1.00 for all.EE. Ladybirds – 20 cents each. SOLDGG. Fish – 50c. for both SOLD
BB. Tiny black buttons – $!.00 for all. SOLDDD. Buttons – $2.50 for all.FF. Bunnies x 6 available – 30c. each.HH. Key, scissors, etc. $2.00 for all.
I am having fun exploring my crates of vintage laces, collars and other interesting pieces gathered since 1980’s when I started showing at doll and bear shows. The pieces and quality vary – I have washed very few of them as they tend to loose their patina, that lovely aged look. If you purchase one of these pieces I will leave that decision up to you.
LA1 A beautiful vintage net piece in very good condition. Its length at the neck edge is 70cms and the width at the middle is 10cms. Price – $10.00.LA2 A little tulle lace collar. There are holes (from age) The length of the collar is 47cms and the width at the centre front is 10cms. The collar is not perfect but still a treasure. Price is $3.00.LA3 Milk coffee lace – very detailed. 2 metres with the width at the points being 5cms. Price $7.50 for the 2 metres. SOLD.LA4 LA4 A stunning piece of net that is sewn into one piece which would be 160cms round. The length is 44cms. Price is $30.00.Vintage hat thread, made in France. It is fine and flexible. A treasure! The wooden spool is 9cms x 4.5cms. Price is $20.00. French pure silk thread – approx. 100g. I paid $70.00 in the 1990’s. Now $25.00.LA5: This trim has obviously been taken off an old gown. It is in one piece and is 160cms round. Price – $2.00.LA6: The length of this piece is 92cms and the width at the points is 7cms. It is machined onto a fine netting. Price is $3.00.LA7: Still has its original label “Dickins & Jones Ltd – Regent Street” (London) with a price of 1/6d. Size is 30 x 21cms and I think it is a silk organza. Rather special. Price is $4.00.LA8: A collar made of fine crepe with lace edging. Size around the neck edge is approx. 42cms. Price $3.50.LA9: This collar is made in cotton with a fine stripe in the weave and a fine stitch pattern jointing each piece. Length at neck is approx. 60cm. Price is $2.50.LA10: This collar is made in a very fine cotton with decorative stitching. I think the points would be at the front? Length is 52cms. Price is $3.50.LA11: A beautiful fine length of lace 78cms in length and 4.5cms wide. Excellent condition. Price – $3.00.LA12: Another beautiful fine length lace; length is 1.4 mts. and width 4.5. Excellent condition. Price – $5.00.LA13: A finer piece of lace just over a metre. Price $3.00.LA14: Two pieces each $2.00. The embroidered leaf on netting is approx 7 x 7cms. and the gorgeous embroidered leaf on a damask like fabric is 6.5cms high (there are two – the second one folded under). Price is $2.00 each.LA15: This is gorgeous vintage machine embroidery. The top piece is 10 x 6cms and the second piece is a round piece 18cms x 6cms. Price is $4.00.LA16: A vintage length of lace 150cms and the width is 8cms. Price is $10.00.LA17: Love this! An old hankerchief 21cms square. Lace on fine cotton (cotton in very good condition). Price – $4.00.